In order to maintain the integrity of my "vocation", capacity building for teachers and students through technology, I will limit my performances to two days a week. Once I build 30 minutes of strong material, I will seek venues that permit more time.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 . 8:30 P.M Barona Wine Company is a delightful venue, with "my peeps", the mostly over 40 crowd, who enthusiastically support the arts, mostly guitarists and cover music. This wine venue reflects an aura reminiscent of a 1960's Hootenanny, a collective unity of souls. Because they are "safe", this is where I test out new material to use for future Harp performances
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, BETWEEN 8 AND 9. The Harp captures the essence of a community bar, with great food and an unmatched ambiance. They host "booked performers", from 8 to 9, then offer an "Open Mike", for anyone who wants to stand up and fly their funny flag. The Harp Inn was my ignition point. Once I performed in late July, I knew I could rekindle my hobby. Because this is a MUCH younger crowd, I need to import my "over-40 friends" to validate the authenticity of my material.